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Francois Cloete

Pusey House, Merton College (Oxford)

Works by Bach, Whitlock, Bairstow

Pusey House Chapel


12 November 2024 at 13:10:00


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As Assistant Organist, François is responsible for accompanying the choir and providing organ music as required. François is also Senior Organ Scholar at Merton College, Oxford, entering his final year reading Music. François has performed with the Philharmonia Orchestra, Oxford Philharmonic, and Instruments of Time and Truth, as well as playing for live broadcasts on BBC Radio 3 and Danish Radio. François has given recitals at most of Oxford's colleges, in addition to recitals at Trinity College, Cambridge, Passiontide at Merton, and the 2023 Three Choirs Festival.

François was educated at Wells Cathedral School as a specialist musician and has held organ scholarships at Wells Cathedral and Hereford Cathedral. At the age of 19 François became a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists, receiving three prizes for highest marks in every component of the examinations. François is also an active harpsichordist studying with Terence Charlston (RCM), and currently directs the Oxford Baroque Players.
Aside from his performing career, François hopes to become a musicologist and will be pursuing postgraduate study next year. The recipient of an academic exhibition and research grants, François' current project focuses on developing new critical models for the analysis of European modernist music (in particular Alban Berg).


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